Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Welcome to our new blog for our class Educ 201. This will be our venue for teaching-learning experiences and information dissemination of the course. Let's keep bloggin'!

Ma'am May


  1. Hi mA'am this is Jay Oyao...

  2. HI Ma'am! This is Anna Ignacio. This is a fast way of communicating our thoughts and receiving information from you and our classmates.

    You rock!

  3. Hi Ma'am,
    This is great for the class. Thanks for going this far.


  4. at last!!!! after 48 years naka blog nako...magtwitter sa ko mga peeps (^^,)

  5. hi mam,

    This is liezl jay gantuangco,it's great that we have this blog in our Educ. 201 class.

  6. watz up.... this is jay-are<><><>

  7. mam may,

    thank you for providing us some sources =)

  8. "Knowing its roots is simply knowing its kind of tree"
    With this principle, studying educational psychology is very much relevant. Knowing the psychological stages of the learners is simply attempting to relate with them well. It would be very difficult for me as a teacher if I dont have knowledge and background about my pupils. I would have a difficulty of coming up a program and different approaches if I will not care to know the different educational stages.

    What can you say about this comment guys?
    This is my little way of making my pupils feel that they are important and valuable.

  9. Hello Guys! This is Anna. My comment is on the Psychological page.Did I do it incorrectly? Are we supposed to comment in this page or on the page we wish to ponder on>?

  10. Yup, i think you have you have to post your comment here so everybody can react and share.

  11. yahoo... were done in our report,<><><><>
    tank you for coming.....

  12. the two of you did well.thanks for the additional knbowledge

  13. I am particulary interested in Marlow's Hierarchy of Needs. Quite true that if we dont have enough of these needs, we "feel" it or "hunger" for it.( so this is the reason why some rich individuals crave and are obssesed to acquire a lot of money, because latter in their lives they were deprived of such.)But, if we get all we need, we feel "nothing" primarily because we did not experience deprivation or dont know that something is lacking. Only during difficulties and hardships do we realize, appreciate, and value what we had before.

    Intriguing also is his Self Actualization level of Development ( i think i have to read about this topic)It is not easy to attain that level, but, if and when a person reaches that level I am sure he/ she will live a full and a meaningful life.

    With Marlows theory i can partly understand now the uniqueness and complexity of every person. I can see more clearly why a person do, act, and say the things they do.

    that's all and good day!!!

  14. I think i have to read MORE about Marlow's Self Actualization theory

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. On Psychological Foundation:

    Personality development is important aspect of growing and as a teacher we have to know and understand each child invidually so that nothing is left out in class. Relevant in the process of knowing them is how the were raised by their parents, how they grow and what home environment they once or still belong. According to the theorist in psychology there are stages that each child needs to accomplish in order to rise to the level of trust and receiptiveness to learning process. To Maslow, some never get out of the basic needs level even at the age of maturity and maybe death, no self-actualization. To Ericson, without trust there is no intimacy therefore distrust and maybe hostility in the classroom, and the child is not open for learning. For those children who haven't transcended the basic needs do not feel the need to be in school, instead they go find food for the day. These are only two that i found relevant in our philippine setting. Two issues, food and mistrust. With our strong Christian background moral development is not a big issue. Almost all believe in God and has known God in one way or another from parents or peers.
    Teachers, "wisdom", is a tool that will be handy when you're in the classroom stituations and wisdom omes from knowing, know your learner. Best of luck to all and good day!

  17. nurturing children at an early stage is vital in their development.Giving them love and attention will have an impact in their personality. Nurtured children grow up as loving, secured, trusting individuals while mistreating children will give the opposite result. Aside from nurturing, parents are expected to show exemplary attributes to them. Parents cannot shield children from the realities of life but they can better cope if they are armed with values they learn from home. It is also the responsibility of parents to see to it that their children are living in a "good" neighborhoods,going to "good" school and have "good" peers. Peers has such a powerful role on the development of children. Sometimes children who are "good" at home do things unimaginable to their parents because of peer pressure in peer greups. So as teachers it is our obligation to see to it that our school is a "good" one and that we project the image of a "good" peer.

    see you all friday!
