Thursday, May 7, 2009

Websites for Sociological and Anthropogical Foundation of Education

a. The nature of Man
b. The role of Heredity
c. Language and Writing Development
d. The Family
e. The Society
f. Culture and Society
g. Religion
h. Arts


  1. On Sciological and Anthropological Foundation:

    Family and culture play significant roles in the development of the child. First are the interplay of genes and and impressions from the parents as models (hero/s). They influenced the child from the womb to early age, psychologicallly, spiritually and mentally and in language development. Studies mentioned that a child has more vocabularies when parents are talkative. This tells us teachers, that family background creates an impact on the child. But family environment is not the only training ground of the child. Society comes next. Society, where culture,religion, values, material things and technologies even peers contribute stronlyly in form of suggestion and sometimes pressures. With all these fabrics in mind I see that a child in school carries a bundle of informations with him/her. Some are garbages and its up to us teachers to extract the gooddies from the "luggage" the child carries to school. Good or bad a child is a child that needs our attention and best of care, for that child belongs to God.

  2. Anna Ignacio:

    Heredity and environment play a significant role in the development of the child. CHildren's first teachers are the parents. They are influential in the education of the child from the time it was conceived in the womb until it is born into this world. The parents genes are also a factor that is being passed on to the child. It may well be considered as the aspect that will determine if a child is intelligent or not and oftentimes will be a determinant that will give one a background to the family's inherited genes.

    Culture also is a factor influencing the child. The society has its own culture and this culture also shapes the child and makes him different from the rest. A family's culture of course is one that will help you determine the differences in attitudes, behaviors, and preferences. It is one distinct from the other.

    As teachers, we have to consider the varying differences of our students and from there choose the strategies that would suit them the most; to help elicit from them their hidden potentialities and abilities as a unique individual.

  3. ...Family and Environment is the most important part of development of a child. as we observe in every individual, if we do good or bad things people always base this in your family background.
    and also mother plays an important role in upbringing their child.some study shows that family background creates a big impact on the child. environment has also a factor on the behavior of a child. next is the society, but other factors are considered like religion, culture, values and lots of others. the society should let the child feel that he/she belongs to it.
    above all this the child needs enough love, attention and care to let her feel that there is a real world existing.

  4. Group experience

    At birth, the child is a simple being that is contented with the satisfaction of the biological needs. Step by step, the child becomes aware of the existence in its environment of other persons, who it gets to differentiate. Beginning with the age of two, the child becomes aware of itself, beginning to identify itself by "I". The child’s biological survival is not possible without the adults’ help, and its becoming a social being is not possible outside the interaction with a group.
    The group and, first of all, the parents, insure to the child the satisfaction of the physical and affective needs. Deprived of affectivity, the children are abnormally developed and they reach a level of asocial or antisocial behaviour.

    The interaction with the group allows the child to form its image about itself. If a little girl is always said she is pretty, she will end up being convinced she is pretty. If a boy is always said he is a good sportsman, he will perceive himself as such. The psychological and pedagogical researches revealed the fact that the individuals’ attitudes and behaviors are determined by the image they have about themselves, image formed through the interaction with the group. The children taken as stupid by the parents and by other persons around them, they end up behaving as such, even if they have a superior intelligence potential.
    The image the people have about themselves is partly determined by the objective dimensions of their personality and mostly by the "glass" that the society, the group offers them to look at themselves. This "glass of the I" (Charles Horton Cooley) serves as referential system for individuals during their entire life.

    The groups individuals interact with in the process of forming their personality have not the same importance. Some groups are more important as models from which the individuals in course of socialisation take behavioural ideas and norms. These are reference groups in the personality forming. Parts of this category are first of all the family and the pair-groups (groups formed of persons having the same age and status). The children take from the pair-groups behavioral ideas and norms. A child’s participation in the pair-groups has an important psycho-sociologic role. Some studies insist even on the fact that the pair-groups have the strongest influence on the behavioral attitudes, interests and norms, on the personality forming.

    in the pedagogy, it is good that a teacher uses differentiated instructions to enhance a student's relationship with others. having an environment where a student feels accepted will enable him/her to do well in and outside the teaching-learning institution

    a weekly or monthly parent-teacher conference enables thorough monitoring of student's academic and non-academic performance...

  5. Nurturing children at an early stage is vital in their development.Giving them love and attention will have an impact in their personality. Nurtured children grow up as loving, secured, trusting individuals while mistreating children will give the opposite result. Aside from nurturing, parents are expected to show exemplary attributes to them. Parents cannot shield children from the realities of life but they can better cope if they are armed with values they learn from home. It is also the responsibility of parents to see to it that their children are living in a "good" neighborhoods,going to "good" school and have "good" peers. Peers has such a powerful role on the development of children. Sometimes children who are "good" at home do things unimaginable to their parents because of peer pressure in peer greups. So as teachers it is our obligation to see to it that our school is a "good" one and that we project the image of a "good" peer.

    see you all friday!

  6. As unique persons, each of us is a result of the interaction of our heredity and our social environment. Even in the case of individuals who have some genes in common or similar environment, the interaction produces wide variation between them. Siblings who have both similar environment and some genes in common also show wide variation. When heredity is the same in identical twins but social environment is allowed to vary, differences sometimes occur. These prove one thing - that no two individuals are exactly alike...

    A brilliant man may be born but if his environment is not favorable for his development,he remains just an average individual. A very bright mind if not trained or educated remains dull. Therefore, both heredity and environment affect development and these two factors make a man. So children must be raised up properly by the people around them so that they will become well-developed individuals...
